Thursday, July 9, 2009


So i know I got a blog and used the crap out of it for a couple of days...then i got married. Ever since then it has gone completely down hill. I have so much to tell everyone about too. So much has happened since our wedding and I really have to start blogging more. I finally have pictures from the wedding...I will post them really soon. They are amazing and Errin Andrus did them. She is seriously an incredible photographer. if any of you need pictures taken CALL HER, she is totally worth it. But anyways I will get pictures and stories of our crazy life up soon....



  1. k well you better post pictures soon!!! I want to see the wedding. Congrats, by the way, you two are SO CUTE. One hot couple thats for sure. Thanks for the invitation, sorry we couldn't make it. Hope it all went well!

  2. Im SO thrilled you like your pictures! Congrats on getting married, you guys were awesome to work with!

  3. I know we talk about this everyday but when you finally decide to be good at blogging and actually UP DATE send me your email address so I can add you to HAHAHAHA!! see you soon!
